Thursday, March 24, 2011


we've busted out all the good stuff for this baby girl lately.
we were blessed with some wonderful gifts when we were anxiously awaiting for this doll to arrive and we are finally getting to put them all to good use.
she is loving life more than ever!

i think we would have all saved a few bucks if we would have known how entertained she is by a measly little water bottle.
i don't want to say that it's her favorite but. . .
it's her favorite toy.
i am destined to find her something else that she will equally give her heart to.
we'll see if i can do it!
who am i kidding, i think i'll let her do just about whatever she wants at this stage and if that's playing with a water bottle then have at it sweet angel love.
daddy and i will buy you all the water bottles in the world.


  1. She is truly loving life! How blest we are! I love that sweet face, sweetest smile...just completely love this baby girl!

  2. Owen loves water bottles too! Whenever I have one, he always puts it in his mouth! They could be besties :)
