Thursday, November 12, 2009


in honor of thanksgiving i am challenging myself to blog everyday about something that i am thankful for, a to z. i should have started november 1st so now this will probably take me into december but oh well, maybe i can cover 2 or 3 letters a day. some silly, some serious, some just plain ridiculous and some very obvious . . come start your list with me!

A is for Andy!

surely, you all knew this was coming. i've said it before and i'll say it a million more times. i am so thankful for my husband, andy! such an old picture but such a sweet reminder. . . true loves pick each other's noses.

i am making andy participate as well.i think this will be so fun to read some day when we've been married for 50 plus years. his response for letter A was: air conditioning!

1 comment:

  1. I know what B better be or there is going to be trouble :)!

    Great idea Jess...I love watching you and Andy's hearts overflow with love and thankfulness for each other
