Saturday, July 9, 2011

4th of july parade!

the day finally had arrived!
i literally have been waiting for this july fourth since last july
when we were just mere attendants to the santa rita parade in san angelo.
june was a belly bean last year and i left the parade rubbing
her in my belly telling her tales of how she would be
waving in the parade very soon and we were finally there!
ready to go.
wagon decorated.
matching shirts on.
flags waving proudly.
reppin' the good ole US of A.
i was jazzed!
you know grier and ardynn, our adorable cousins. . .
they are the real residents of this beautiful neighborhood that puts the parade on each year and were so sweet to pass the invitation to junie to come along for the ride in her first real parade.
thanks guys, i'm already decorating wagon ideas in my head for next year!
it was such a fun morning that wouldn't have been near as memorable
without paying tribute to our fine men and women that make celebrating our country possible.
thank you for all that you do to protect our land!
God bless the USA!


  1. Oh My Goodness!! Y'all are just THE cutest family EVER!!! Love your matching outfits and decorated wagon! Looks like such a fun 4th of July!!

  2. You really are the cutest family EVER!
