Tuesday, September 20, 2011

iphone dump.

here's the latest rendition of my iphone outtakes.
we will waste no time and cut right to the chase.

last friday june and i attended our first fort worth christian pep rally.
it was so cute and spirited and was just what we 
needed to satisfy our west texas football craving.
we hope to become regulars there on friday mornings.
junie is so very close to walking and since she is so 
very close to turning one she got an early birthday present last week.
she feels so big cruising around on her own two feet.
love her.
this little contraption was our first attempt at a walker for the birthday girl.
we put it together one night only to quickly realize it was way out of her
 league and would be better suited for an expert walker not a beginner.
i tried to hide it from her but she found it and would not give it up one morning.
it is now hidden in our guest shower, sneaky mama.
i'm certain she won't ever think to look there.
mama's smarter than the average bear.
i made my first honeybee tee purchase.
i love darby and all of her goodness and can't wait for junie
 to be big enough to fit in one of her adorable tees.
we are all about comfy tees in this house and honeybee tees has the cutest.
so, i figured these cutie bags would hold us over until we're big enough.
aren't they the greatest?
one for trick or treating and one just for everyday treats.
these next three need no other words than. . .
i seriously thought that june was not going to be the
 baby that got into 
every. single. thing.
all of a sudden, after months and months of not caring at all 
about what treasures were to be found in there. . . she flipped the switch.
the cabinets will soon be kid proofed.
sweet little curious george.
our bathing beauty loves her bubbles.
she also is such a helper bee with the laundry.
she will be sitting in her room looking through her books and as 
soon as she hears me open the dryer door she takes off as fast 
as she possibly can to help me pull out all of the dry clothes.
we have the best time in there sorting through the laundry.
one of the highlights of our day.
the main attraction of our day is when this guy comes home.
sweetest thing to watch her light up for 'da-da' 
as soon as he pulls in the driveway.
highlight of his day for sure.
hope your days are full of highlights as well!

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